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Iain Brunt founder of Antiques.co.uk and gonemodern.com

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Interior answers XXV

Rivelino is characterised by its exploration of the fields of sculptural relief and intervention in urban space. Interested in prompting dialogues with the collective memory, Rivelino has found the urban setting to be fertile ground for intervening in past and present imagination. His themes are derived from situations or issues of public and current interest, and his interventions aim to alter the aesthetic perceptions of passers-by through resolutions in form that move freely between the real, the surreal, the tangible and the intangible. In One Canada Square he is showing three works Interior Answers XXV 2010, Playing with Fire III and Playing with Fire VII Playing with Fire III and Playing with Fire VII both of 2013, while in Charles I Bay in Trafalgar Square he is showing you, which takes the form of two monumental bronze fingers. In a world that is self-evidently unequal, this piece calls upon viewers to question their attitude to the highly significant issue of equality between human beings. In Rivelino‘s view: ‘Public space is always the most sincere, challenging place in which to display an artist’s work.
Rivelino (José Rivelino Moreno Valle) was born in Jalisco, Mexico in 1973 and studied at the School of Ceramics, National Institute of Fine Arts, also participating in workshops where he experimented with a wide variety of materials, including clay, paper and cotton as well as metal and stone, in both small and monumental formats. His most recent works are public interventions that investigate the relationship between the spectator and the artwork, as in Nuestros Silencios (Our Silences), an exhibition of 10 monumental sculptures that has toured to 14 countries, and was shown in Victoria Tower Gardens, London in 2011.
In order to promote a better understanding between our societies, strengthen co-operation in various areas, support innovative projects and motivate business, the Governments of Mexico and the UK decided to celebrate 2015 as the Year of Mexico in the UK and the Year of the UK in Mexico. Through strategic design and an interdisciplinary model, Mexico will highlight its rich history and traditions and its contribution to contemporary art in the global scene; the dynamism of its creative industries through cinema, architecture and design as well as its commitment to the emerging talents of new generations. The programme of the Year of Mexico in the UK includes more than 130 activities, including exhibitions, concerts, seminars, workshops, festivals, joint research projects, trade missions, artistic residencies, street art, theatre and dance performances, and sculptures, among other events, which will seek to attract diverse audiences across the UK.
For further information and calendar of events see

Categories: SCULPTURE      
Materials: Carbonised wood and steel      
Width: 130   Height: 190  

Price:  £36,000.00



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