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home Paloma Torres

Paloma Torres

Paloma Torres
Paloma Torres 1015. Buliding rain macquette for the project building rain

Paloma Torres, the urban setting is the focus of her sculptural exploration. She believes that all city spaces shape the spirit of their citizens, hence her concern for creating awareness of the awful contamination to which we are subjected, whether through sight, sound or smell. Her work strips away all forms of visual saturation and excess in order to achieve a minimal constructive expression and thereby make an impact on her reconfiguration of the space. Two of her works are showing in One Canada Square, created in high temperature ceramic: 3 Spheres 3 Images 2010 and Totem con enstructuras urbanas 2011. In The Mall in Westminster Building in the Rain conjoins an everyday urban object - a bench - to an element of nature - a cloud - creating a utilitarian and playful work designed to reveal the intimate relationship between the city and nature. In Torres’s words: ‘the core of an artwork is its process.
She was born in Mexico City in 1960 and studied at the National School of Visual Arts, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) in Mexico City. She subsequently gained a Master’s degree in colour engraving from the National Institute of Fine Arts. She has exhibited widely since 1986 and is professor of art history and graphic design at the Iberoamericana University in Mexico City. She has been a member of the National Creators’ System panel since 2000.
In order to promote a better understanding between our societies, strengthen co-operation in various areas, support innovative projects and motivate business, the Governments of Mexico and the UK decided to celebrate 2015 as the Year of Mexico in the UK and the Year of the UK in Mexico. Through strategic design and an interdisciplinary model, Mexico will highlight its rich history and traditions and its contribution to contemporary art in the global scene; the dynamism of its creative industries through cinema, architecture and design as well as its commitment to the emerging talents of new generations. The programme of the Year of Mexico in the UK includes more than 130 activities, including exhibitions, concerts, seminars, workshops, festivals, joint research projects, trade missions, artistic residencies, street art, theatre and dance performances, and sculptures, among other events, which will seek to attract diverse audiences across the UK.
For further information and calendar of events see

Categories: SCULPTURE      
Materials: Bronze      
Width: 38   Height: 37   Depth: 52

Price:  £4,500.00


Paloma Torres

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